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Unit H, Grants Road, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole
Dublin, D24NN53



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Men's Health Week 2022

Zdenek Rydl

This week is Men's Health Week. I know some of you are thinking, why is a woman talking about men's health. Well, 95% of my co-workers are male. So, as a Health and Safety Officer, I take this opportunity to encourage all men to take better care of their health, not dismiss or avoid their health concerns, and seek help or treatment at an early stage.

The theme of this year's men's health week is MISSION: isPossible, and the core aims are:

  • Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.

  • Support men & boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices/activities.

  • Encourage early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.

Research shows that men in Ireland experience a disproportionate burden of ill-health and die too young. Men have higher death rates for almost all of the leading causes of death at all ages. They have poorer lifestyles which are responsible for a high proportion of chronic diseases. Men present later to health services which can lead to many problems becoming untreatable, etc.

So what can you do this week:

  • Go online and become more informed about men's health issues -

  • Talk to your male colleagues and relations to encourage them to look after themselves and inform them about available support.

  • Bring a really healthy lunch to work one or two days.

  • Try and cut down on your cigarettes/alcohol/sugar consumption.

  • Walk or cycle at least part of your journey to and from work if you can.

  • Get outside in the evening, take a walk, kick a football, go for a swim, get out, enjoy the summer evenings, and increase your activity levels – be more than a sports spectator.

  • Post and Tweet about men's health.

  • If you've been putting off seeing your doctor, make that appointment this week.

And for all women reading this, maybe you too can help raise awareness of the importance of Men's health to those men in your life.

Niamh, Senior Health & Safety Officer

Workers' Memorial Day Ireland

Zdenek Rydl

Today, the 28th of April is Workers Memorial Day Ireland. This is a National Day of Remembrance for all those who have lost their lives or were injured in a workplace accident. Sadly, workplace fatalities and accidents are still occurring countrywide, with already 7 workplace death in 2022 and 38 in 2021. Just one workplace fatality or accident is too many.

It is vitally important that health and safety is at the forefront of all that we do, not just on-site but at all aspects of the company. We have a high standard of safety across all our sites, but we must work hard every day to maintain that high standard and not become complacent. Just because there have been no accidents or incidents doesn’t mean we can switch off when it comes to safety on site.

So, I would ask you all today to take a minute out of your day to remember all those who have lost their lives while at work and to be mindful of your own safety as you go about your day wherever it may take you.

Niamh, Senior Health & Safety Officer


Zdenek Rydl

This week, I attended the CIF International Women's Day event in Clontarf Castle. It was great to see so many women, all at different stages in their career paths within the construction industry, come together to discuss the issues that affect all women working or aspiring to work in the construction industry. The theme of this year's event, in line with international women's day, was BREAKING THE BIAS.

I am the youngest in a family of 6 strong, independent, and inspirational women. Behind us is one very inspirational father. My father had been breaking this bias long before anyone started hashtagging it. He is a man who is always fixing things, and when he needed a hand to hold that big red lamp or, help put tension on the spring of a garage door, or hold that umpires flags, it didn't matter that he had no sons, he always had 12 willing hands eager to learn. And these skills he has taught each one of us, I still bring with me onsite every day. So, whenever I pick up a hammer on a site to put up a sign, and a man shouts over at me, "Be careful with that, you might hurt yourself". I usually shout back, "Don't let my father hear you say that!".

One day at a time, as a female Health and Safety Officer, I am trying to help bring my father's unbiased view of what women can do to the men I work with. Every day I go out, put on my hard hat and muddy boots and get my hands dirty I am the living embodiment of his unbiased views.

All the women sitting in the room with me this week know that we women can do any job that we are given the opportunity to try, but still, we must all go through significant hurdles to get that opportunity. All women working in the construction industry today must continue to break this bias. So that in the future, women coming into the industry will get more and better opportunities and don't have the same hurdles to cross. To all men in the industry today, I would say why not hand that hammer to the women, girls, daughters, sisters, and nieces in your life? You never know, she might just surprise you. And our industry will only be better for it.

Niamh, Senior Health & Safety Officer

LOVE Run 2022

Zdenek Rydl

Did you know that there were more than 5,000 cardiac arrests last year in Ireland?

To help raise awareness of the plight of people living with heart conditions every day, the staff at Castlebrowne took part in LOVE RUN 2022. This was a chance for our staff to do some team building, enjoy an excellent healthy lunchtime walk and encourage each other to become more active while helping raise awareness and funds for the Irish Heart Foundation. The Irish Heart Foundation provide lifesaving training and defibrillators to communities around Ireland. It helps to ensure that people, no matter their location, can get much-needed treatment as quickly as possible should they, unfortunately, end up in a medical emergency.

So, on a beautiful sunny afternoon on Friday the 11th February 2022, our group headed off from head office and took a lovely brisk 5km walk through Newcastle Village and Greenogue Industrial Estate. We completed it in a great time and had a lot of laughs along the way.